©2024  HAFFA UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB. All rights reserved.    Privacy Statement | Disclaimer   



We are a non-profit sports organization that provides a relaxed and enjoyable environment for employees of HAFFA member companies and freight/logistics professionals to play football. We approach the sport with a dedicated and serious mindset. We regularly organize football training sessions led by professional coaches. We also arrange friendly matches with other teams for skill exchange, competition, camaraderie, progress assessment, and to share the enjoyment of the game.
本會為非牟利體育團體,為香港貨運物流業協會(HAFFA)會員公司員工及貨運物流業界人士提供一個在工餘時間可以輕鬆愉快,同時認真地享受足球活動的時光。 本會定期舉辦足球訓練班,由專業的足球教練教授會員足球技巧。亦不定期邀請不同球隊進行友誼賽作技術交流,試試身手,增進友誼,檢討學習進程,一起進步,一起享受足球之樂。

HAFFA United Football Club

8/F, China Hong Kong Centre
122-126 Canton Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Hong Kong

By Email    : HAFFAUnitedFootballClub@outlook.com
By Phone    : (852) 2796 3121 [Handled by HAFFA Secretariat]